Tražim on-line menadžere, rad na daljinu
(prestaro za odgovor)
2015-03-19 13:16:08 UTC
Tražimo regionalnog zastupnika u Zagrebu, Splitu, Osijeku, Zadru, Rijeci, Puli, Slavonskom Brodu, Varaždinu, Karlovcima, Dubrovniku, Šibeniku i ostalim većim gradovima. Dob od 21 do 60. Glavni zahtjevi: poznavanje rada na računalu, Interneta. Prednost je poznavanje stranih jezika. Od ponedjeljka do petka 10:00-18:00. Tražimo otvorene, odgovorne osobe sa željom za rad i i zaradom. Plaća 1.000 eura mjesečno. Zainteresirani mogu poslati svoj životopis na našu e-mail adresu:


We have an opening for a person with great people skills, attentive to instructions and a determination to succeed. In addition the individual must have working knowledge of Microsoft Office, be able to effectively use social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, be organized, well turned out, a team player and can work independently, are punctual and reliable, have basic knowledge of internet marketing and have a sharp eye for detail. The job offers a good salary so, interested candidates may email or call for details of the job.
2015-04-04 06:50:56 UTC
Post by d***@gmail.com
We have an opening for a person with great people skills, attentive to instructions and a determination to succeed. In addition the individual must have working knowledge of Microsoft Office, be able to effectively use social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, be organized, well turned out, a team player and can work independently, are punctual and reliable, have basic knowledge of internet marketing and have a sharp eye for detail. The job offers a good salary so, interested candidates may email or call for details of the job.
Karlovcima, kojim sremskim?...imate grešku..
